As a patient, you want to be in the best shape possible before your facelift surgery. What can you do to best prepare your body for your facelift? Below is a short list of a few crucial steps to take prior to your facelift that will help both during the procedure itself and throughout the healing process. Depending on your medical history, I may prescribe further lab testing or medical evaluation however if you have been approved as a good candidate for the procedure, this will most likely be run of the mill information gathering.
If you are considering plastic surgery of any kind, you must quit smoking first. Many surgeons will not operate on patients who have smoked as early as four weeks prior to surgery. Long-time smokers are not good candidates for plastic surgery. Smoking has a direct impact on the lungs, veins and oxygen supply. Healthy incision healing is seriously challenged in the patient who smokes or was a smoker. In order for incisions and wounds to heal safely it is critical for healthy blood flow. In the smoker there is greatly reduced oxygen supply in the body. This can lead to poor wound healing and adversely affect the outcome of your procedure.
Smoking must ceases at least six to eight weeks prior to surgery in order to decrease the risks associated with plastic surgery and the “smoking” patient. You will also need to continue not smoking for several weeks, even months, after surgery while your body continues to heal internally.
Risks Associated with smoking and surgery:
Poor scarring and wound healing: Impaired healing may lead to skin loss or flap necrosis.
Higher Infection Rate: The rate of post-surgery infection is as high as 12% in smokers, compared to a modest 2% in non-smokers.
Necrosis and poor circulation – Smoking compromises your circulation.
Delayed healing – Smoking will lead to much slower and improper healing during the recovery process.
A few weeks prior to your surgery we will review your current mediations and I will let you know which are safe to continue prior to your facelift surgery. Medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements must be stopped two weeks prior to surgery as they can have blood-thinning affects.
We will go over any last-minute instructions. By now you have fully prepped your body and are healthy and ready for your facelift. The facelift is performed as an outpatient operation. Please secure your post-op travel arrangements and care in advance. We are happy to assist with arranging for nurse care or your stay in one of Beverly Hills’ exceptional after-care faculties.
Please call our office today and book a consultation with Dr. Honrado to learn if facelift surgery is right for you 310.286.0043.