One of the more unheard of nasal conditions is called septum perforation. The septum is the part of the nose separating the two nostrils, the front being made of tissue and the back half being made of bone. If a hole forms in the septum it is known as a septum perforation. What makes this condition so difficult is that patients very rarely know about the internal nasal damage.
There are a number of possible causes for septum perforation. The most common cases are the result of trauma, injury, excessive nose picking or autoimmune disease. Some of the more unconventional causes include cocaine use, cancer or can even form as the result of a septum piercing. Symptoms of the condition include crusting, bleeding and nasal congestion. If you think you may have this condition it is advised you visit a specialist, such as Dr. Honrado in Los Angeles, as soon as possible.
Septum Perforation Surgery
A patient can get open rhinoplasty procedure to treat the septum perforation. This particular procedure is intensely intricate and must be handled by an experienced surgeon. I have performed this particular surgery multiple times and my patients have seen great results. The surgical procedure uses the tissue around the hole as well as a graft to patch up the perforation. The surgery is specifically tailored for each and every patient depending on the severity of the case including size and amount of damage.
After Perforation Surgery
After the surgery is complete a splint is put on the patient’s nose to keep everything in place as well as protect from any other possible damage. Drainage is very common; so don’t be concerned if there’s a little swelling or any other sort of fluid coming out of the nose. The full healing process can take up to about three weeks.
If you would like to find out more about what a septum perforation is or the surgical process do not hesitate to contact my Los Angeles office.